« Japanese language materials that can be borrowed from the library

日本語生中継 : 聞いて覚える話し方 初中級編2

  • くろしお出版(2004.2-)
  • 椙本 総子

できる日本語 初中級本冊

  • アルク(2011.4-)
  • できる日本語教材開発プロジェクト

You can create conversational sentences suited to a situation by changing keywords in them. The textbook gives a higher priority on conversational skills than grammar items. Contains many illustrations.

J bridge to intermediate Japanese新装版

  • 凡人社(2009.4)
  • 小山 悟

Recommended for those who already have learned basic grammar and vocabulary in the elementary level and want to gain Japanese proficiency including speaking and writing skills. There are many topics.